The Startup Founders Survey

What is this?

We are conducting research about Startup Founders to understand their approach to work. We need your help with a 5-min survey🙏

Our goal is to help startup founders foster individual, team and organizational resilience to thrive in this ever-changing world. But first, we need to better understand some of the unspoken aspects of the founder’s journey.

🤫 We can only say this much before you take the survey. You’ll get a link to access more information at the end of the survey. Your participation is crucial for us not only to bring to light some of these unspoken aspects but also to create the right environment and resources to support founders like you on their entrepreneurial journeys.

What’s in it for me?

To thank you for your time and energy, we’re delighted to offer you:

■ FREE Access to the MBTI® Personality Assessment AND
■ 1-1 Coaching Session with Gokce Gizer Clover

How does it work?

■ It takes less than 5 minutes
■ There are 18 multiple choice questions
■ All responses will be aggregated, anonymized, and maintained with the strictest confidentiality.
■ Individual responses and your date will not be shared with anyone.

Are you ready?


To show our appreciation, we’d like to offer you free access to the MBTI® Personality Assessment Tool and a 1-1 coaching session.

Once you complete the survey above, you can access the MBTI Assessment below!

Detailed instructions below

The MBTI® Assessment to Understand Your Preferences:
Communication, Managing Conflict, Dealing with Change, Making Decisions, Collaboration

Grounded on the psychological type theory of Carl G. Jung, the MBTI, is a great initial assessment tool to understand your preferences. It also offers an extensive and insightful report including strategies to enhance your style in terms of communication, managing conflict, dealing with change, making decisions and collaboration.

It’s great for individuals to increase their self-awareness as well as for teams, even for family and friends, as it demonstrates how we each have natural preferences in regard to the way we communicate, receive and project energy, gather information, make decisions, and approach the outside world.

Instructions to claim your free MBTI® Assessment and 1-1 Coaching Session

Step 1:

Find 20-30 minutes of uninterrupted time to take the assessment.

Yes, we know that’s a bit tricky but we believe in you!

The ideal setting is for you to have a clear mind and absolutely free from interruptions.

Step 2:

Take the assessment at this link on the Elevate Platform.

As you respond to the questions, think about your preferences and yourself as the whole individual that you are — beyond your roles within your organization, in your family, in your social network, etc, and beyond your actual or aspirational behaviors. We refer to it as the "shoes off" version of yourself.

*The MBTI assessment and your profile is not linked to the survey and is on a separate platform.

Step 3:

Once you complete your assessment, you’ll receive a link to book your 1-1 coaching session and access your report.

About your coach: Gokce Gizer Clover has been actively involved in the global tech ecosystem, as a coach, investor and expert advisor, supporting hundreds of founders and tech companies from idea to fundraising to achieving sustainable growth. GG incorporates resources, methods, and tools from a wide range of fields, including entrepreneurship, communication, organizational culture, neuroscience and leadership development. She is a Certified MBTI® Practitioner.